
Thursday, May 18, 2017

What’s next for Google payment and loyalty experiences

Posted by Pali Bhat, VP of Payment Products

Thousands of apps and millions of stores accept Android Pay, a simpler and more
secure mobile payment experience. Android Pay is now available in 10 markets,
with more coming soon, including Brazil, Canada, Russia, Spain and Taiwan. And
in addition to our already announced href="">Visa
and Mastercard partnerships, we'll soon enable a streamlined mobile checkout
experience for PayPal users.

The newest ways to pay with Google

Yesterday, we announced the Google Payment API, which lets people pay in app or
online with any verified credit or debit card saved to their Google Account, via
products like Google Play, Chrome and YouTube.

Paying with Google in the Wish app

For users, the option to pay with Google means breezing through checkout without
needing to remember and type multiple lines of payment details. You simply
choose your preferred card, enter a security code or authenticate with your
Android device, and check out.

Developers who adopt this API can enable an easy-to-use checkout experience for
their customers. Sign up for href="">early access to the new
Google Payment API.

In the upcoming months, we'll also enable people in the U.S. to send or receive
payments via the Google Assistant. On your Google Home or Android device, it's
as simple as saying "Ok Google, send $10 to Jane for pizza." All you need is a
debit card linked to your Google account.

Pay friends on Google Assistant

Connect with customers before, during and after purchase

We're also announcing new ways for merchants to engage and reward customers
before they walk into the store and after they've left.

The Card Linked Offers API drives customer loyalty by providing a new channel to
deliver targeted offers, and Panera Bread is one of the first merchants who will
roll out this new capability nationally. MyPanera members who save their loyalty
card to Android Pay can discover offers and learn about new menu items, surfaced
by Android Pay when they are at the store. The offer is redeemed when you use
your MyPanera account at checkout.

Card Linked Offers for Panera Bread in the Android Pay app

We're also making it easier for Android Pay users to add loyalty programs. For
example, Walgreens Balance Rewards® members who manually apply their loyalty
account with a phone number and use Android Pay will receive a notification on
their phone that easily enables them to link that loyalty card to Android Pay
for future visits. This experience is powered by our smart tap technology, which
Walgreens has fully deployed across their 8,000+ U.S. stores.

There's more—we're collaborating with href="">Clover, a First Data company, to expand our
smart tap technology beyond national retailers to businesses of all sizes. With
the upcoming integration of smart tap in href="">Clover's developer APIs, you'll be
able to build Android apps for loyalty, coupon and gift card redemption and new
features, such as order ahead and tap for pick up.

Visit href="">
for the latest on all of our Google Payment, Loyalty and Offers APIs.


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